Archives 2018

Nevada Lodge #4 Raising

Nevadaville1 Aug2018
Nevadaville3 Aug2018
Nevadaville3 Aug2018

On August 11, 2018 a group of brothers met at Nevada Lodge 4 to welcome four brothers to the rank of Master Mason.  Nevada Lodge #4 A.F. & A.M. is Colorado's oldest and only Ghost Town Lodge originally chartered in Kansas Territory October 15, 1861.

Trestle Board August 2018


Stated Communication the 1st & 3rd Wednesday
Lodge opens at 7:00 PM


If you are not receiving this Trestle Board and you want to receive it via email,
let Jim Taylor know.

Officers for 2018

Steven R. O’Donnell Worshipful Master
Francisco Mier–y- Teran Senior Warden
Bruce Swedal Junior Warden
Loren Kohler Treasurer
Clark H. Skinner, P.M. Secretary
Benjamin Bridge Senior Deacon
Richard Mitchell Junior Deacon
Thomas Hearn Senior Steward
Mark Costello Junior Steward
Michael Cardoza Chaplain
Ryan Hite Marshal
Kenneth L. Moyer Musician
Hans Eyman Tiler
Thayne Coulter Assistant Secretary
Tom A Johnson, P.M. Yahoo Web Master
Bruce Swedal             Revised Web Master
Randy Lutton Revised Web Master

Masters note for August

It is organized as a fellowship of men, a system of morals, a philosophy taught by degrees through the use of symbol, story, legend, pictures and drama. It has served as a center of union among, different backgrounds, cultures, and countries. It serves as the means of conciliating true friendship among persons, who, because of differences, must have otherwise remained at a perpetual distance.

Quote from Harry S. Truman

It is true we at Weston come from different backgrounds, different countries, different cultures, different generations and different economic situations. We have all come together as brothers to learn from each other and to teach each other the great philosophy of Freemasonry. I am personally amazed at the wealth of knowledge our brothers have and I’m grateful for their willingness to share it.

CALENDAR – August, 2018

No stated communication or masonic education scheduled for August

Mon 8/3 Poker Night 6:00 PM
Mon 8/6 Past Masters Breakfast - 8:00 AM
IHOP - 7733 W Long Dr., Littleton
Sat 8/11 PANCAKE BREAKFAST - 8:00 - 10:00 AM
All you can eat. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, juice $5.00
Sat 8/11 11 AM. Ghost Town Raising at Nevadaville #4 we will be raising 3 of our Weston brothers please come if you can.
Wed 8/22 Temple Board Meeting – 6:00 PM
Sat 8/25 Jobs Daughters - installation of officers 3:00 PM

You can now pay your dues, make donations and pay for Table Lodges online. Just click on Dues at the top right.

Clark H. Skinner 1965
Charles E. Greer 1970
Sidney C Wright 1984
Robert G. Hollenbeck 1985
Richard G. Duncan 1988
Charles W. Cardarell 1990
Phillip G. Trimble 1991
John R. Garrett 1993
Ronald S. Jaul 1996
E. Rick Watrous 1997
Thomas A. Johnson 1999
Edwin R. Hamm 2000
Jeffery H. Frankhauser 2003
Thaine Lennox- Gentle 2005
John Lennox-Gentle 2006
Clinton W. Anthis 2008
James R. Shoemaker 2009
Walter L. Ashlock 2010
Scott A. Bates 2012
Robert J. Sangster 2013
Swen Hoffman 2014
Paul E. Lundquist 2015
Danny Will 2016
Terry Davis 2017
Richard L. McKee 1978
John H. Buchanan 1980
William F. Coellen, Jr. 1980
Alan AR. Franke 1985
Friedrich W. Glaser 1985-87
Sanford A. Campbell 1988
James Oliver 1988-89 2003-08
Richard P. Jasper 1996-2003
Melvin H. Boll 1998-2003
Harry P. Ciruli, Jr. 2000
Norman L. Miller 2001
Charles Downing 1995-07 2013
Tony Dattilo 2003
Jay Bobick 2011


Mel Boll (PM)
Bob Helms
Thomas Hearn (SS)
Randy Lutton

Steve O’Donnell (WM)
Francisco Mier-y-Teran (SW)
Bruce Swedal (JW)

Francisco Mier-y-Teran (SW)
Bruce Swedal (JW)
Randy Lutton

Burial Service
John Buchanan (PM)
Clark Skinner (Sec)
John Lennox-Gentle (PM)

Membership & Calling
John Smith
Benjamin Bridge (SD)

Circus Child ID
Mel Boll (PM)
Thomas Hearn (SS)
Jim Taylor
Francisco Mier-y-Teran (SW)
Michael Marcus
Michael Archer

Lodge Member Retention
Bob Helms

Michael Cardoza   (Chap.)
Mark Costello (J.S.)
Bob Sangster (PM)

Custodian of the Work
John Buchanan (PM)
Sidney Wright (PM)

Community Service
Francisco Mier-y-Teran (SW)
Steve O’Donnell (WM)
Mark Costello (JS)


Swen Hoffman (PM)
Bruce Swedal (JW)

Lodge Music
Ken Moyer (Musician)

Steve O’Donnell (WM)
Francisco Mier-y-Teran (SW)
Benjamin Bridge (SD)

Steve O’Donnell (WM)
Francisco Mier-y-Teran (SW)
Loren Kohler (Treasurer)

Steve O’Donnell (WM)
Bob Helms
Loren Kohler Treasurer

Job’s Daughter Liaison
Benjamin Bridge (SD)
Thomas Hearn (SS)

Rainbow Girls Liaison
Mark Costello (J.S.)

Eastern Star Liaison
Vernon Wilson

Clark Skinner (PM Sec.)
Tom Johnson (PM)
Jim Taylor
Bruce Swedal
Randy Lutton

Degree Sessions
EA - Bruce Swedal (JW)
FC – Francisco Mier-y-Teran (SW)
MM – Steve O’Donnell (WM)

Initiation Fee $175.00
Lodge Dues $54.00
Per-Capita $67.00
Total Annual Dues $121.00

Dues $121.00 x 26 = 3,146.00

Regular Members
Perpetual Members
Total Members

Trestle Board July 2018


Stated Communication the 1st & 3rd Wednesday
Lodge opens at 7:00 PM


If you are not receiving this Trestle Board and you want to receive it via email,
let Jim Taylor know.

Officers for 2018

Steven R. O’Donnell Worshipful Master
Francisco Mier–y- Teran Senior Warden
Bruce Swedal Junior Warden
Loren Kohler Treasurer
Clark H. Skinner, P.M. Secretary
Benjamin Bridge Senior Deacon
Richard Mitchell Junior Deacon
Thomas Hearn Senior Steward
Mark Costello Junior Steward
Michael Cardoza Chaplain
Ryan Hite Marshal
Kenneth L. Moyer Musician
Hans Eyman Tiler
Thayne Coulter Assistant Secretary
Tom A Johnson, P.M. Yahoo Web Master
Bruce Swedal             Revised Web Master
Randy Lutton Revised Web Master

We only need 2 or 3 more boys to reopen our
DeMolay if you know anyone

Masters note for July

Out of town

See you in September

With brotherly love
Steve ODonnell
Worshipful Master

CALENDAR – July, 2018

Mon 7/2 Past Masters Breakfast - 8:00 AM
IHOP - 7733 W Long Dr., Littleton
Sat 7/14 PANCAKE BREAKFAST - 8:00 - 10:00 AM
All you can eat. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, juice $5.00
Sat 7/15 4:00 PM – need help moving chairs & tables.
Floor to be refinished
Sat 7/21 Scottish Rite Shrimp Boil – call Loren
Sat 7/21 Lodge of Instruction by  Enlightenment 198

In Memoriam
Raymond McKinney

You can now pay your dues, make donations and pay for Table Lodges online. Just click on Dues at the top right.

Clark H. Skinner 1965
Charles E. Greer 1970
Sidney C Wright 1984
Robert G. Hollenbeck 1985
Richard G. Duncan 1988
Charles W. Cardarell 1990
Phillip G. Trimble 1991
John R. Garrett 1993
Ronald S. Jaul 1996
E. Rick Watrous 1997
Thomas A. Johnson 1999
Edwin R. Hamm 2000
Jeffery H. Frankhauser 2003
Thaine Lennox- Gentle 2005
John Lennox-Gentle 2006
Clinton W. Anthis 2008
James R. Shoemaker 2009
Walter L. Ashlock 2010
Scott A. Bates 2012
Robert J. Sangster 2013
Swen Hoffman 2014
Paul E. Lundquist 2015
Danny Will 2016
Terry Davis 2017
Richard L. McKee 1978
John H. Buchanan 1980
William F. Coellen, Jr. 1980
Alan AR. Franke 1985
Friedrich W. Glaser 1985-87
Sanford A. Campbell 1988
James Oliver 1988-89 2003-08
Richard P. Jasper 1996-2003
Melvin H. Boll 1998-2003
Harry P. Ciruli, Jr. 2000
Norman L. Miller 2001
Charles Downing 1995-07 2013
Tony Dattilo 2003
Jay Bobick 2011


Mel Boll (PM)
Bob Helms
Thomas Hearn (SS)
Randy Lutton

Steve O’Donnell (WM)
Francisco Mier-y-Teran (SW)
Bruce Swedal (JW)

Francisco Mier-y-Teran (SW)
Bruce Swedal (JW)
Randy Lutton

Burial Service
John Buchanan (PM)
Clark Skinner (Sec)
John Lennox-Gentle (PM)

Membership & Calling
John Smith
Benjamin Bridge (SD)

Circus Child ID
Mel Boll (PM)
Thomas Hearn (SS)
Jim Taylor
Francisco Mier-y-Teran (SW)
Michael Marcus
Michael Archer

Lodge Member Retention
Bob Helms

Michael Cardoza   (Chap.)
Mark Costello (J.S.)
Bob Sangster (PM)

Custodian of the Work
John Buchanan (PM)
Sidney Wright (PM)

Community Service
Francisco Mier-y-Teran (SW)
Steve O’Donnell (WM)
Mark Costello (JS)


Swen Hoffman (PM)
Bruce Swedal (JW)

Lodge Music
Ken Moyer (Musician)

Steve O’Donnell (WM)
Francisco Mier-y-Teran (SW)
Benjamin Bridge (SD)

Steve O’Donnell (WM)
Francisco Mier-y-Teran (SW)
Loren Kohler (Treasurer)

Steve O’Donnell (WM)
Bob Helms
Loren Kohler Treasurer

Job’s Daughter Liaison
Benjamin Bridge (SD)
Thomas Hearn (SS)

Rainbow Girls Liaison
Mark Costello (J.S.)

Eastern Star Liaison
Vernon Wilson

Clark Skinner (PM Sec.)
Tom Johnson (PM)
Jim Taylor
Bruce Swedal
Randy Lutton

Degree Sessions
EA - Bruce Swedal (JW)
FC – Francisco Mier-y-Teran (SW)
MM – Steve O’Donnell (WM)

Initiation Fee $175.00
Lodge Dues $54.00
Per-Capita $67.00
Total Annual Dues $121.00

Dues $121.00 x 26 = 3,146.00

Regular Members
Perpetual Members
Total Members

Littleton Block Party 2018

Littleton Block Party 14
Littleton Block Party 11
Littleton Block Party 4
Littleton Block Party 9
Littleton Block Party 15
Littleton Block Party 10
Littleton Block Party 6
Littleton Block Party 12
Littleton Block Party 13

The Littleton Block Party was held June, 9, 2018 and a group of brothers came out to man the beer tent to raise funds for the preservation of the Weston Masonic Temple.  The new and stylish Weston Lodge #22 t-shirts even lured in an Elk or two.

The crowd was big and the lines were long.  The brothers hustled to keep the drinks flowing, often running short on beer and ice.  The new and stylish Weston Lodge #22 t-shirts even lured in an Elk or two.

By the end of the night, everyone was exhausted.  However, it felt great to support a worthy cause.

Fundraiser at the Boggy Draw

Boggy Draw Brothers
Boggy Draw Flames
Boggy Draw Self

The brothers turned out at the Boggy Draw Brewery on June 9, 2018 from 2pm to 7 pm to help raise funds for the preservation of the Weston Masonic Lodge.  Flames leapt from the grill as WM Steve O'Donnell prepared the burgers and brats.  The Boggy Draw had a great selection of craft brew to wash them down.


(The original announcement is below)

Beer and Brats at the Boggy Draw Brewery

Nevada Lodge 4 Ghost Town Lodge

Nevada Lodge 4
Nevada Lodge 4 Main St
Nevada Lodge 4 East
Nevada Lodge 4 West
Nevada Lodge 4 Bible
Nevada Lodge 4 Dining
Russ, Randy and Joe

Nevada Lodge #4 A.F. & A.M. is Colorado's oldest and only Ghost Town Lodge originally chartered in Kansas Territory October 15, 1861.  Nevada Lodge holds an annual Ghost Town Rising event and a large contingent of Weston #22 brothers were on hand to confer the third degree upon our own Steven Helms.

Nevada Lodge #4 opened on the Third Degree at 10 am June 2, 2018 with degree work beginning at 10:30 am.  The lodge went to refreshment for lunch approximately noon and resumed in short order.  Later in the day, dinner was served and labor dispensed with that evening.

Weston Brothers in attendance included WM Steven O'Donnell, SW Francisco Mier y Teran, JW Bruce Swedal, Sec Clark Skinner, Treasurer Loren Kohler, SD Benjamin Bridge, SS Thomas Hearn, PM Bob Sangster, Bob Helms, Joe Helms, Steven Helms, Randy Lutton, and Russ Bushman.