Weston Lodge #22 is happy to accept donations. There are two options for you to make your donations:

  • Endowment Fund - To help preserve and move the Lodge forward for generations to come. This fund can help take care of the building and various needs of the Blue Lodge.
  • Solomon’s Fund - To help the brothers with financial assistance and to provide scholarships and community outreach projects. Examples include the annual teacher’s award, first responders award, and sending kids to Masonic band camp.

Per our by-laws, only the interest earnings from these funds are to be utilized for the above-described purposes. The principle, including donations and bequeathments, shall remain untouched.

Weston Lodge #22 is a 501(c)(10) non-profit (EIN: 23-7144498). Please consult a tax professional regarding the deductability of any donations.

Please consider donating to one or both of these funds with our profound thanks! Please be sure to mention which fund(s) and send your donation to:

Weston Lodge #22
5718 S Rapp St.
Littleton, CO. 80120

Optionally, you can donate via PayPal (you do not need to have a PayPal account to use this service)

Endowment Fund

Donate via PayPal (one time or recurring)

Solomon’s Fund

Donate via PayPal (one time or recurring)