
Trestle Board January 2018

trestle board

Monday, January 1st

Past Masters Breakfast  8:00 AM

IHOP - 7733 W Long Dr., Littleton

Wednesday, January 3rd

Stated Meeting   7:00 PM - PM Van-Troy Perozo, Denver 5 The Masonic North.

Friday, January 5th

Poker Night 6:00 pm

Monday, January 8th

Past Masters Breakfast  8:00 AM

IHOP - 7733 W Long Dr., Littleton

Wednesday, January 10th

Finance Committee Meeting, Officers Meeting & Practice  6:00 PM

Saturday, January 13th


Make the Worshipful Master cook all you can eat. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, juice $5.00

Wednesday, January 17th

Stated Meeting  7:00 PM

Wednesday, January 24th

Temple Board Meeting 6:00 pm

January 25-27

Colorado Grand Lodge Meeting - Colorado Springs

Weston E-Trestleboard Jan. 2018


Worshipful Master - Stephen O'Donnell

Senior Warden - Francisco mier-y Teran

Junior Warden - Bruce W. Swedal

Treasurer - Loren Kohler

Secretary - Clark Skinner

Senior Deacon - Benjamin Bridge

Junior Deacon - Richard Mitchell

Senior Steward - Thomas Hearn

Junior Steward - Mark Costello

Chaplain - Michael Cardoza

Marshall - Ryan Hite

Musician - Kenneth Moyer

Tyler - Hans Eyman

Assistant Secretary - Thayne Coulter


Masters Message

Charge of a Freemason; this is a small excerpt it is found in its entirety in the Clear Text Key pages 204 to 211

III. A lodge is a place where Masons assemble and work; every brother should belong to one and be subject to its by-laws and General Regulations.

As most if not all of us have heard, the Grand Lodge has been working on a number of proposed changes to the Book of Constitutions. We may like some of the changes, we may not like any of them, but change does come. There have been changes in the past and will be in the future. We must continue to be the best Masons we can be, let brotherly love prevail, and work for the betterment of masonry.

Steve ODonnell

Worshipful Master


trestle board

Trestle Board December 2017

trestle board

Friday, December 1st

Poker Night

Saturday, December 2nd

Past Masters & Widows luncheon  12:00 Noon

RSVP to Clark

Monday, December 4th

Past Masters Breakfast 8:00 AM

IHOP - 7733 W Long Dr., Littleton

Wednesday, December 6th

Stated Meeting  7:00 PM

Elections & Memorial Service

Saturday, December 9th


All you can eat. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, juice $5.00

Saturday, December 9th

Installation of 2018 Officers  2:00-4:00 PM

Wednesday, December 13th

Officers Meeting & Practice  6:00 PM

Finince meeting prior to Officers meeting.

Wednesday, December 20th

Stated Meeting   7:00 PM

Degree/Proficiency, Instalation of Officers not installed.

Wednesday, December 27th

Weston Temple Board Meeting  6:00 PM


Worshipful Master - Stephen O'Donnell

Senior Warden - Francisco mier-y Teran

Junior Warden - Bruce W. Swedal

Treasurer - Loren Kohler

Secretary - Clark Skinner

Senior Deacon - Benjamin Bridge

Junior Deacon - Richard Mitchell

Senior Steward - Thomas Hearn

Junior Steward - Mark Costello

Chaplain - Michael Cardoza

Marshall - Ryan Hite

Musician - Kenneth Moyer

Tyler - Hans Eyman

Assistant Secretary - Thayne Coulter


Masters Message

York Rite Freemasonry

Offering an introduction to the three bodies of York Rite Freemasonry, the Royal Arch, The Cryptic Council and the Knights Templar.

The York Rite bodies meeting at Weston Lodge include Henry Taylor Chapter #57, Robert C. Haas Council #23 and J.E. Abbott Commandery #40.  Use the Contact Us Page for additional information on any appendant bodies meeting at Weston Lodge.

Trestle Board November 2017

trestle board


Wednesday, November 1st
Stated Meeting (7:00 PM)

Friday, November 3rd
Poker Night

Monday, November 6th
Past Masters Breakfast (8:00 AM)
Egg & I - 6890 S. University

Wednesday, November 8th
Officers Meeting & Practice (6:00 PM)

Saturday, November 11th
(8:00 AM - 10:00 AM)
All you can eat. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, juice $5.00

Wednesday, November 15th
Stated Meeting (7:00 PM)

Worshipful Master

Masters Message

My Brethren,

After a well-deserved break in July and August, the officers of Weston 22 are excited to get back to work.

There’s a lot to be done, we are looking forward to getting started and seeing all the brothers at the stated meetings.


Terry Davis, WM

trestle board

Trestle Board October 2017

trestle board


Monday, October 2nd
Past Masters Breakfast (8:00 AM)
Egg & I - 6890 S. University

Wednesday, October 4th
Stated Meeting (7:00 PM)
Receive Grand Master
Guests are welcome, short meeting then Grand Lodge program.
Dinner RSVP to Jim Taylor: (6:00 PM)

Friday, October 6th
Poker Night

Wednesday, October 11th
Officers Meeting & Practice (6:00 PM)
Practice EA Degree

Saturday, October 14th
(8:00 AM - 10:00 AM)
All you can eat. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, juice $5.00

Saturday-Sunday, October 14-15th
Masonic Symposium

Wednesday, October 18th
Stated Meeting (7:00 PM)
Entered Apprentice Degree

Saturday, October 28th
Table Lodge


Worshipful Master - Terry Davis

Senior Warden - Stephen O'Donnell

Junior Warden - Francisco mier-y Teran

Treasurer - Loren Kohler

Secretary - Clark Skinner

Senior Deacon - Bruce W. Swedal

Junior Deacon - Benjamin Bridge

Senior Steward - Richard Mitchell

Junior Steward - Michael Archer

Chaplain - Thomas Hearn

Marshall - Mark Costello

Tyler - Michael Cardoza

Worshipful Master

Masters Message

My Brethren,

After a well-deserved break in July and August, the officers of Weston 22 are excited to get back to work.

There’s a lot to be done, we are looking forward to getting started and seeing all the brothers at the stated meetings.


Terry Davis, WM

trestle board

Weston Masonic Temple Cornerstone

History of Cornerstone Ceremonies

Columbine United Parish Church Cornerstone

Columbine United Parish Church Cornerstone - September 14, 1975.

The Columbine United Parish Church Cornerstone was laid on September 14, 1975.

Littleton Post Office Cornerstone - May 13, 1939.

The Littleton Post Office Cornerstone was laid on May 13, 1939.

Littleton Post Office Cornerstone
1st Presbyterian Church Cornerstone

1st Presbyterian Church - September 6,1929

The 1st Presbyterian Church Cornerstone was laid on September 6, 1929.

Littleton Town Hall Cornerstone - January 31, 1920

The Littleton Town Hall Cornerstone was laid on January 31, 1920.

Littleton Town Hall Cornerstone
Arapahoe County Courthouse/Littleton Municipal Courthouse

Arapaho County Courthouse - August 24, 1907

The Arapahoe County Courthouse/Littleton Municipal Courthouse Cornerstone was laid on August 24, 1907.

Weston Temple Cornerstone - April 23, 1921

The Weston Temple Cornerstone was laid on April 23, 1921 by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Colorado.

Weston Masonic Temple Cornerstone
a lodge of sorrow

In Memoriam 2016

In Memoriam

This page is designated for remembering our brothers who have been called from labor to the Celestial Heaven above.

square and compass

Sim Scott Ashlock, PM

Past Master

Born August 30, 1946
Raised April 10, 2004
Affiliated with Eckert Lodge No. 136
Past Master Eckert Lodge No. 136
Grand Lodge Tyler 2015
Past this Life December 25, 2016

Joe Keller

Joe Y Keller, PM

Past Master

Born August 30, 1924
Raised January 20, 1968
Master Weston Lodge 2001
Past this Life August 29, 2016

Daniel R. Maas

Daniel R. Maas

Born July 5, 1969
Raised April 24, 2004
Past this Life August 26, 2016

square and compass

Lewis J Moyer

Founder & CEO

Born July 17, 1928 in Schuylkill Haven, PA
Raised April 18, 1952 in Schuylkill Haven, PA
Past this Life July 27, 2016

Robin B Knox, PM

Robin B Knox, PM

Past Master

Born November 18, 1939
Raised September 17, 2000
Master Weston Lodge 2007
Past this Life March 23, 2016

Dallas L. Lloyd

Dallas L. Lloyd

Born August 26, 1938
Raised Perfection Lodge #193 January 17, 1970
Affiliated with Weston Lodge November 18, 1998
Worthy Grand Patron of Grand Chapter of Colorado 2004
Passed this life January 26, 2016