Trestle Board May 2021
Stated Communication the 1st & 3rd Wednesday
Lodge opens at 7:00 PM
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Officers for 2021
Benjamin Bridge | Worshipful Master |
Richard Mitchell | Senior Warden |
Michael Cardoza | Junior Warden |
Loren Kohler | Treasurer |
Thayne Coulter | Secretary |
Clark H. Skinner, P.M. | Assistant Secretary |
Mark Costello | Senior Deacon |
Thomas Hearn | Junior Deacon |
Josh Levin | Senior Steward |
Randy Lutton | Junior Steward |
Bruce Dauenhauer | Chaplain |
Daniel Croll | Marshal |
Kenneth L. Moyer | Musician |
Millad Bokhouri | Tiler |
Revised Web Master Randy Lutton
Revised Web Master Bruce Swedal
We just recently celebrated two great milestones. We had the first Master Mason degree of the year and we had our lodge 100th Year Anniversary party. While I wish the party could have been extended to the greater Masonic family, it was wonderful to see so many of our brothers and guests together again. I can't tell you how much it has meant to sit in the East for both of these occasions. I look forward to our more public Cornerstone rededication in September and continuing to celebrate our anniversary.
On that note, I have some disappointing news. With some of the materials being hard to find and the date fast approaching, I have discussed the entryway getting done this summer with the temple board. Unfortunately we agreed that it feels rushed and we want to make sure when we do get it done we do all that we set out to do. We will still be fund raising through out the year and we plan to get everything done the summer after. All the efforts to get the floor will not be wasted, I will personally see that we get everything done. A small delay will still result in an entryway that shows the grandeur of our lodge. We expect to announce a raffle and some other activities soon. As we close out the first half of this year, there are many more things to look forward to in the lodge. We have a table lodge set for the end of this month. The Junior Warden will be sitting in the East in the second meeting in May. We have a few summer activities for the enjoyment of the brothers and family. We will continue to keep everyone informed.
Fraternal Greetings,
Bro. Benjamin
Worshipful Master
CALENDAR – May, 2021
Mon 5/3 | Past Masters Breakfast at IHOP - 8:30 AM |
Wed 5/5 | Stated Communication - 7:00 PM |
Wed 5/7 | Poker Club - 6:30 PM RSVP to Bruce Dauenhauer |
Wed 5/8 | Pancake Breakfast - 8:00-10:00 AM |
Wed 5/12 | Finance Committee - 6:00 PM Officers Meeting - 7:00 PM |
Wed 5/19 | Stated Communication - 7:00 PM (Double step-up) |
Wed 5/26 | WMTA Board Meeting - 7:00 PM |
Wed 5/29 | Table Lodge - 6:00 PM |
Mondays | Posting - 6:00 PM |
You can pay dues, make donations, pay for Table Lodges, etc. online! Just click on Dues at the top right.
Clark H. Skinner | 1965 |
Robert G. Hollenbeck | 1985 |
Richard G. Duncan | 1988 |
Charles W. Cardarell | 1990 |
Phillip G. Trimble | 1991 |
John R. Garrett | 1993 |
Ronald S. Jaul | 1996 |
E. Rick Watrous | 1997 |
Thomas A. Johnson | 1999 |
Edwin R. Hamm | 2000 |
Jeffery H. Frankhauser | 2003 |
Thaine Lennox- Gentle | 2005 |
John Lennox-Gentle | 2006 |
Clinton W. Anthis | 2008 |
James R. Shoemaker | 2009 |
Walter L. Ashlock | 2010 |
Scott A. Bates | 2012 |
Robert J. Sangster | 2013 |
Swen Hoffman | 2014 |
Paul E. Lundquist | 2015 |
Danny Will | 2016 |
Terry Davis | 2017 |
Steven R. O’Donnell | 2018 |
Francisco Mier-y-Teran | 2019 |
Bruce Swedal | 2020 |
Richard L. McKee | 1978 |
John H. Buchanan | 1980 |
Alan AR. Franke | 1985 |
Kent Burns | 1985 |
Friedrich W. Glaser | 1985-87 |
Sanford A. Campbell | 1988 |
James Oliver | 1988-89,03,08 |
Mike Katich | 1989 |
Glen Sherman | 1995 |
Richard P. Jasper | 1996, 01 |
Melvin H. Boll | 1998, 03 |
Richard Surroz | PM 1982, GM 1999 |
Harry P. Ciruli, Jr. | 2000 |
Charles Downing | 1995,06,07,13 |
Tony Dattilo | 2003 |
Jay Bobick | 2011 |
Bradley Stolt | 2015-17 |
Ken Pearce | 2020 |
Richard Mitchell (SW)
Steven O’Donnell (PM)
Mel Boll (PM)
Michael Cardoza (JW)
Josh Levin (SS)
Randy Lutton (JS)
Mark Costello (SD) non-voting
Membership Outreach
Doug Ayers (Chair)
Steven O’Donnell (PM)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Benjamin Bridge (WM)
Richard Mitchell (SW)
Michael Cardoza (JW)
Thomas Hearn (JD)
Josh Levin (SS)
Randy Lutton (JS)
Michael Marcus
Thayne Coulter (Sec)
Clark Skinner (PM, Asst. Sec.)
Jim Taylor
Randy Lutton (JS)
Mel Boll (PM)
Bob Helms
Randy Lutton (JS)
Bob Sangster (PM)
Glen Sherman (PM)
Daniel Croll (Marshall)
Josh Calvert
Michael Cardoza (JW)
Josh Leven (SS)
Randy Lutton (JS)
Mask Costello (SD)
Thomas Hearn (JD)
Custodians of the Work
John Buchanan (PM)
Cisco Mier-y-Teran (PM)
Mike Lazalde
Bruce Dauenhauer (Chap)
Community Outreach
Mark Costello (SD)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Benjamin Bridge (WM)
Richard Mitchell (SW)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Benjamin Bridge (WM)
Richard Mitchell (SW)
Memorial Service
John Buchanan (PM)
Thayne Coulter (Sec)
Clark Skinner (PM Asst. Sec)
Cisco Mier-y-Teran (PM)
Benjamin Bridge (WM)
Grand Lodge Scholarship
Jay Bobick, Chairman (PM)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Michael Cardoza (JW)
Eastern Star Liaison
Job’s Daughter Liaison
Larry Page
Rainbow Girls Liaison
Child ID
Mel Boll (PM)
Jim Taylor
Francisco Mier-y-Teran (PM)
Michael Marcus
Michael Archer
Degree Sessions
EA - Michael Cardoza (JW)
FC - Richard Mitchell (SW)
MM - Benjamin Bridge (WM)
Special Events and Gatherings
Assigned on a per event basis. Refreshment Committee is responsible to monitor.
Steve O'Donnell (PM)
Thomas Hearn (JD)
Thayne Coulter (Sec)
Benjamin Bridge (WM)
Bruce Dauenhauer (Chap)
Josh Levin, Chair (SS)
Funds Establishment
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Benjamin Bridge (WM)
Richard Mitchell (SW)
Michael Cardoza (JW)
Josh Levin (SS)
Randy Lutton (JS)
Josh Levin, Chair (SS)
Initiation Fee | $175.00 |
Lodge Dues | $30.00 |
Temple Board |
$48-$12 = $36.00 |
Per-Capita | $82.00 |
Total Annual Dues | $148.00 |
Dues $160.00 x 26 = 4,160.00
Regular Members |
220 |
Perpetual Members |
22 |
Total Members |
242 |