Bob Sangster Masonic Service
There will be a Masonic Service for W. B. Robert Sangster at Weston Lodge #22 at 1:00PM on Sunday, March 27th.
There will be a Masonic Service for W. B. Robert Sangster at Weston Lodge #22 at 1:00PM on Sunday, March 27th.
Stated Communication the 1st & 3rd Wednesday
Lodge opens at 7:00 PM
If you are not receiving this Trestle Board and you want to receive it via email,
sign up here.
Officers for 2022
Richard Mitchell | Worshipful Master |
Michael Cardoza | Senior Warden |
Mark Costello | Junior Warden |
Loren Kohler | Treasurer |
Thayne Coulter | Secretary |
Thomas Hearn | Senior Deacon |
Josh Levin | Junior Deacon |
Randy Lutton | Senior Steward |
Bruce Dauenhauer | Junior Steward |
Daniel Croll | Chaplain |
Millad Bokhouri | Marshal |
Kenneth L. Moyer | Musician |
Michael Spradlin | Tiler |
Web Master Randy Lutton
Web Master Bruce Swedal
Greetings Brethren,
I hope this message finds you doing well, staying warm and enduring or enjoying the snow – whichever the case may be. As you know mother nature threw a wrench in the plans for our second meeting in January. For many reasons, Grand Lodge was more important than ever this year. Our Jr. Warden and I were both in attendance. We had the opportunity to meet several Grand Officers including the Most Worshipful Grand Master. We made new friends and had a chance to reconnect with many we haven't seen in a while. Sharing conversations and a meal together made us feel stronger and even more passionate about our craft. It is my deepest hope that many of you will have the opportunity to attend an event such as this, to expand your circle of brothers/friends and share with each other the traditions we value.
February and March provides us the opportunity to engage in degree work as well as fellowship. Please be sure you have these items on your calendars. Your attendance is vital to the success of our craft. It also helps to inspire and motivate the newer brothers/candidates. We are building the Masonic Lodge of tomorrow, today. With our actions, words and deeds. Weston Lodge #22 A.F.& A.M. is an amazing brotherhood, I look forward to seeing you at the following events:
WM Richard Mitchell
CALENDAR – February, 2022
TuesdaysPosting - 6:00 PM
Wed 2/2 | Stated Communication - 7:00 PM |
Sat 2/5 | Honored Queen installation ceremony - 5:00 PM |
Sat 2/7 | Past Masters Breakfast - 8:30 AM |
Fri 2/9 | Officers Meeting - 6:30 PM |
Fri 2/11 | Poker Club - 6:30 PM |
Sat 2/12 | Saturday Breakfast - 8:00-10:00 AM |
Wed 2/16 | Stated Communication - FC Degree - 7:00 PM |
2/23 | WMTA Meeting - 7:00 PM |
Sat 2/26 | Rough Ashlar - 11:30 AM Weston Lodge |
Save these dates
March 5th Joint table lodge with Union 7
We are close to finalizing this event. Additional detail will be sent once it is available.
March 19th Franktown Firearms Event
Robert G. Hollenbeck | 1985 |
Richard G. Duncan | 1988 |
Charles W. Cardarell | 1990 |
Phillip G. Trimble | 1991 |
John R. Garrett | 1993 |
Ronald S. Jaul | 1996 |
E. Rick Watrous | 1997 |
Thomas A. Johnson | 1999 |
Edwin R. Hamm | 2000 |
Jeffery H. Frankhauser | 2003 |
Thaine Lennox- Gentle | 2005 |
John Lennox-Gentle | 2006 |
Clinton W. Anthis | 2008 |
James R. Shoemaker | 2009 |
Walter L. Ashlock | 2010 |
Scott A. Bates | 2012 |
Robert J. Sangster | 2013 |
Swen Hoffman | 2014 |
Paul E. Lundquist | 2015 |
Danny Will | 2016 |
Terry Davis | 2017 |
Steven R. O’Donnell | 2018 |
Francisco Mier-y-Teran | 2019 |
Bruce Swedal | 2020 |
Bemjamin Bridge | 2021 |
Richard L. McKee | 1978 |
John H. Buchanan | 1980 |
Alan AR. Franke | 1985 |
Kent Burns | 1985 |
Friedrich W. Glaser | 1985-87 |
Sanford A. Campbell | 1988 |
James Oliver | 1988-89,03,08 |
Mike Katich | 1989 |
Glen Sherman | 1995 |
Richard P. Jasper | 1996, 01 |
Melvin H. Boll | 1998, 03 |
Richard Surroz | PM 1982, GM 1999 |
Harry P. Ciruli, Jr. | 2000 |
Charles Downing | 1995,06,07,13 |
Tony Dattilo | 2003 |
Jay Bobick | 2011 |
Bradley Stolt | 2015-17 |
Ken Pearce | 2020 |
Richard Mitchell (WM)
Michael Cardoza (SW)
Mark Costello (JW)
Mark Costello (JW)
Josh Levin (JD)
Randy Lutton (SS)
Mark Costello (SD) non-voting
Membership Outreach
Doug Ayers (Chair)
Steven O’Donnell (PM)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Benjamin Bridge (PM)
Richard Mitchell (WM)
Michael Cardoza (SW)
Thomas Hearn (SD)
Josh Levin (JD)
Randy Lutton (SS)
Michael Marcus
Thayne Coulter (Sec)
Jim Taylor
Randy Lutton (SS)
Mel Boll (PM)
Bob Helms
Randy Lutton (SS)
Bob Sangster (PM)
Glen Sherman (PM)
Daniel Croll (Chap)
Josh Calvert
Michael Cardoza (SW)
Josh Leven (JD)
Randy Lutton (JS)
Mask Costello (JW)
Thomas Hearn (SD)
Custodians of the Work
John Buchanan (PM)
Cisco Mier-y-Teran (PM)
Mike Lazalde
Bruce Dauenhauer (JS)
Community Outreach
Thomas Hearn (SD)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Richard Mitchell (WM)
Benjamin Bridge (PM)
Michael Cardoza (SW)
Josh Levin (JD)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Richard Mitchell (WM)
Michael Cardoza (SW)
Memorial Service
John Buchanan (PM)
Thayne Coulter (Sec)
Cisco Mier-y-Teran (PM)
Richard Mitchell (WM)
Grand Lodge Scholarship
Jay Bobick, Chairman (PM)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Mark Costello (JW)
Eastern Star Liaison
Job’s Daughter Liaison
Larry Page
Rainbow Girls Liaison
Child ID
Mel Boll (PM)
Jim Taylor
Francisco Mier-y-Teran (PM)
Michael Marcus
Michael Archer
Degree Sessions
EA - Mark Costello (JW)
FC - Michael Cardoza (SW)
MM - Richard Mitchell (WM)
Special Events and Gatherings
Assigned on a per event basis. Refreshment Committee is responsible to monitor.
Steve O'Donnell (PM)
Thomas Hearn (SD)
Thayne Coulter (Sec)
Benjamin Bridge (PM)
Bruce Dauenhauer (JS)
Josh Levin, Chair (JD)
Funds Establishment
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Richard Mitchell (WM)
Michael Cardoza (SW)
Mark Costello (JW)
Josh Levin (JD)
Randy Lutton (SS)
Initiation Fees | $175.00 |
Lodge Dues | $30.00 |
Temple Board |
$48.00 |
Per-Capita | $82.00 |
Total Annual Dues | $160.00 |
Dues $160.00 x 26 = 4,160.00
Regular Members |
220 |
Perpetual Members |
22 |
Total Members |
242 |
Stated Communication the 1st & 3rd Wednesday
Lodge opens at 7:00 PM
If you are not receiving this Trestle Board and you want to receive it via email,
sign up here.
Officers for 2021
Benjamin Bridge | Worshipful Master |
Richard Mitchell | Senior Warden |
Michael Cardoza | Junior Warden |
Loren Kohler | Treasurer |
Thayne Coulter | Secretary |
Clark H. Skinner, P.M. | Assistant Secretary |
Mark Costello | Senior Deacon |
Thomas Hearn | Junior Deacon |
Josh Levin | Senior Steward |
Randy Lutton | Junior Steward |
Bruce Dauenhauer | Chaplain |
Daniel Croll | Marshal |
Kenneth L. Moyer | Musician |
Millad Bokhouri | Tiler |
Revised Web Master Randy Lutton
Revised Web Master Bruce Swedal
Greetings Brethren,
This year has just flown by faster than I expected. Full of great experiences and lots of camaraderie, it has been a pleasure and an honor to serve as the Worshipful Master for this year. I would be remiss if I didn't say a word of our dear departed brother Clark Skinner. We had a wonderful memorial service in our lodge to celebrate the great life of our departed brother. While we will miss him terribly we can be happy that he is in a better place and his loved ones were able to gather together in unity.
As close to the end of the year as we are, we still have a few things to look forward to this month. We have our ladies dinner to celebrate the women in your life. Please come join us for a night of fun and relaxation. We also have our last scheduled degree for the year, a Master Mason degree to be held on our stated meeting night in November.
As the year closes we can look forward to the elections and a bright new year of Masonry in 2022. The new year is soon upon us and better things to come. May we end the year in peace and harmony in our labors as Masons. May the coming holidays bring friendship, family, and good tidings.
WM Benjamin Bridge
Worshipful Master
CALENDAR – November, 2021
Sat 11/1 | Past Masters Breakfast - 8:30 AM |
Wed 11/3 | Stated Communication - 7:00 PM |
Fri 11/10 | Officers Meeting - 7:00 PM |
Fri 11/12 | Poker Club - 6:30 PM |
Sat 11/13 | Pancake Breakfast - 8:00-10:00 AM |
Sat 11/13 | Ladies Dinner - 6:00 PM |
Wed 11/17 | Stated Communication - 7:00 PM (MM Degree) |
Sat 11/27 | Rough Ashlar - 11:30 AM Grand Station |
Tuesdays | Posting - 6:00 PM |
You can pay dues, make donations, pay for Table Lodges, etc. online! Just click on Dues at the top right.
Robert G. Hollenbeck | 1985 |
Richard G. Duncan | 1988 |
Charles W. Cardarell | 1990 |
Phillip G. Trimble | 1991 |
John R. Garrett | 1993 |
Ronald S. Jaul | 1996 |
E. Rick Watrous | 1997 |
Thomas A. Johnson | 1999 |
Edwin R. Hamm | 2000 |
Jeffery H. Frankhauser | 2003 |
Thaine Lennox- Gentle | 2005 |
John Lennox-Gentle | 2006 |
Clinton W. Anthis | 2008 |
James R. Shoemaker | 2009 |
Walter L. Ashlock | 2010 |
Scott A. Bates | 2012 |
Robert J. Sangster | 2013 |
Swen Hoffman | 2014 |
Paul E. Lundquist | 2015 |
Danny Will | 2016 |
Terry Davis | 2017 |
Steven R. O’Donnell | 2018 |
Francisco Mier-y-Teran | 2019 |
Bruce Swedal | 2020 |
Richard L. McKee | 1978 |
John H. Buchanan | 1980 |
Alan AR. Franke | 1985 |
Kent Burns | 1985 |
Friedrich W. Glaser | 1985-87 |
Sanford A. Campbell | 1988 |
James Oliver | 1988-89,03,08 |
Mike Katich | 1989 |
Glen Sherman | 1995 |
Richard P. Jasper | 1996, 01 |
Melvin H. Boll | 1998, 03 |
Richard Surroz | PM 1982, GM 1999 |
Harry P. Ciruli, Jr. | 2000 |
Charles Downing | 1995,06,07,13 |
Tony Dattilo | 2003 |
Jay Bobick | 2011 |
Bradley Stolt | 2015-17 |
Ken Pearce | 2020 |
Richard Mitchell (SW)
Steven O’Donnell (PM)
Mel Boll (PM)
Michael Cardoza (JW)
Josh Levin (SS)
Randy Lutton (JS)
Mark Costello (SD) non-voting
Membership Outreach
Doug Ayers (Chair)
Steven O’Donnell (PM)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Benjamin Bridge (WM)
Richard Mitchell (SW)
Michael Cardoza (JW)
Thomas Hearn (JD)
Josh Levin (SS)
Randy Lutton (JS)
Michael Marcus
Thayne Coulter (Sec)
Clark Skinner (PM, Asst. Sec.)
Jim Taylor
Randy Lutton (JS)
Mel Boll (PM)
Bob Helms
Randy Lutton (JS)
Bob Sangster (PM)
Glen Sherman (PM)
Daniel Croll (Marshall)
Josh Calvert
Michael Cardoza (JW)
Josh Leven (SS)
Randy Lutton (JS)
Mask Costello (SD)
Thomas Hearn (JD)
Custodians of the Work
John Buchanan (PM)
Cisco Mier-y-Teran (PM)
Mike Lazalde
Bruce Dauenhauer (Chap)
Community Outreach
Mark Costello (SD)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Benjamin Bridge (WM)
Richard Mitchell (SW)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Benjamin Bridge (WM)
Richard Mitchell (SW)
Memorial Service
John Buchanan (PM)
Thayne Coulter (Sec)
Clark Skinner (PM Asst. Sec)
Cisco Mier-y-Teran (PM)
Benjamin Bridge (WM)
Grand Lodge Scholarship
Jay Bobick, Chairman (PM)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Michael Cardoza (JW)
Eastern Star Liaison
Job’s Daughter Liaison
Larry Page
Rainbow Girls Liaison
Child ID
Mel Boll (PM)
Jim Taylor
Francisco Mier-y-Teran (PM)
Michael Marcus
Michael Archer
Degree Sessions
EA - Michael Cardoza (JW)
FC - Richard Mitchell (SW)
MM - Benjamin Bridge (WM)
Special Events and Gatherings
Assigned on a per event basis. Refreshment Committee is responsible to monitor.
Steve O'Donnell (PM)
Thomas Hearn (JD)
Thayne Coulter (Sec)
Benjamin Bridge (WM)
Bruce Dauenhauer (Chap)
Josh Levin, Chair (SS)
Funds Establishment
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Benjamin Bridge (WM)
Richard Mitchell (SW)
Michael Cardoza (JW)
Josh Levin (SS)
Randy Lutton (JS)
Josh Levin, Chair (SS)
Initiation Fees | $175.00 |
Lodge Dues | $30.00 |
Temple Board |
$48.00 |
Per-Capita | $82.00 |
Total Annual Dues | $160.00 |
Dues $160.00 x 26 = 4,160.00
Regular Members |
220 |
Perpetual Members |
22 |
Total Members |
242 |
Per Edict #1, issued by Most Worshipful Grand Master David Coberly, in response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), all activities of or sponsored by any Masonic body are suspended until April 15th, 2020. If circumstances warrant, the date may be extended.
The First Annual Weston Wives Appreciation Dinner held on Saturday November 23, 2019 was a huge success with nearly forty attending.
Huge thank you to WM Cisco who sponsored the event; Michael and Niki Cardoza who hosted the event and prepared the dinner.
To any who missed it, there is always next year…
Please be aware that the poker night originally scheduled for Friday, April 12th that was to Friday, April 5th has been canceled!