Trestle Board April 2023


Stated Communication the 1st & 3rd Wednesday
Lodge opens at 7:00 PM


If you know anyone that is not receiving this Trestle Board and they want to receive it via email, have them let Jim Taylor know on the Newsletter Sign Up page

Officers for 2023

Michael Cardoza Worshipful Master
Josh Levin Senior Warden
Thomas Hearn Junior Warden
Loren Kohler< Treasurer
Thayne Coulter Secretary
Mark Costello Senior Deacon
Randy Lutton Junior Deacon
Bruce Dauenhauer Senior Steward
Daniel Croll Junior Steward
Millad Bokhouri Chaplain
Cris Advincula Marshal
Kenneth L. Moyer Musician
Jeff Vineyard Tiler


Web Master Randy Lutton
Web Master Bruce Swedal


Brothers of WestonLodge,
April has definitely snuck up on me this year and if you’re feeling the same way, perhaps it’s because of all that we have done as a
Lodge in the first three months of the year! This past month there were several events outside of our Stated Communications that
were both a lot of fun and very special to me personally.

On March 16th, Weston Lodge moved its charter for one night and held a formal meeting at the Eastern Star Masonic Retirement Home. The purpose of this meeting was to honor one of our very special Past Masters of Weston Lodge, Worshipful Brother Bill Cardarelle, just ahead of his 102nd birthday which is later this month. Worshipful Brother Bill wanted to attend one more meetings with the brothers of Weston and it was one of the greatest honors of my Masonic journey to oblige him. What’s more, 17 other Past Masters and 25 other Masons of varying degrees from seven different Lodges decided that they wanted to be part of this special event too! To see the light in Worshipful Brother Bill’s eyes while sitting next to me in the East was truly a blessing to behold. The night ended with a birthday celebration with cake and ice cream. I was very proud of the Officers and Brothers of Weston Lodge for the work we did this night and I hope that you feel the same way!

On March 18th we held a Table Lodge of Instruction at Weston Lodge and toasted to famous Masonic Inventors. It was a wonderful time with festive conversation, homemade dinner, and informative presentations. The most important part was that we had 28 Brothers in attendance. If you have never been to Table Lodge at Weston Lodge, or if it’s been a few years, I highly suggest you consider attending our next one in October - they are always a great time!

As I have said more than once, which is very intentional, the theme this year is communication. With this in mind, please be on the lookout later this month for a letter from me to be delivered to your mailbox. Yes, I am told the Post Office still delivers these ’snail mail’ notes! Enclosed you will find a calendar for the year as well as other important information and a small token of my appreciation for your continued Masonic engagement with our Lodge. I’m trying to put together a Past Master’s Degree Team for our lodge. Details on this will be in the letter, but if you are interested please reach out to me directly.

I’ll leave you with a quote from a long-time Master Mason: “If it’s to be, it’s up to me!” With this in mind I ask you to try and come visit with your brothers of Weston Lodge and enjoy some fraternal fellowship. If you have not come down to Lodge for a while, I promise that you will be simply astounded by the energy and buzz around our building these days!

Your Worshipful Master - Michael Cardoza

CALENDAR – April, 2023

Tuesdays Posting - 6:00 PM

Sat 4/3 Saturday Breakfast - 8:00-10:00 AM
Wed 4/5 Stated Communication - 7:00 PM
Fri 4/7 Poker Game (Bring a friend) - 6:30 PM
Sat 4/8 WMTA Breakfast – $5.00 All you can eat - 8:00-10:00 AM
Wed 4/12 Officers Meeting - 6:30PM
Wed 4/19 Dinner - 6:00 PM, Stated Communication - Masonic Education - 7:00 PM
Wed 4/26 WMTA Meeting - 7:00 PM
Wed 4/29 Rough Ashlar’s – Weston Lodge - 11:30 AM

You can pay dues, make donations, pay for Table Lodges, etc. online! Just click on Dues or Donations on the top right menu.

Robert G. Hollenbeck 1985
Richard G. Duncan 1988
Charles W. Cardarell 1990
Phillip G. Trimble 1991
John R. Garrett 1993
Ronald S. Jaul 1996
E. Rick Watrous 1997
Thomas A. Johnson 1999
Edwin R. Hamm 2000
Jeffery H. Frankhauser 2003
Thaine Lennox- Gentle 2005
John Lennox-Gentle 2006
Clinton W. Anthis 2008
James R. Shoemaker 2009
Walter L. Ashlock 2010
Scott A. Bates 2012
Swen Hoffman 2014
Paul E. Lundquist 2015
Danny Will 2016
Terry Davis 2017
Steven R. O’Donnell 2018
Francisco Mier-y-Teran 2019
Bruce Swedal 2020
Bemjamin Bridge 2021
Richard Mitchell 2022
Richard L. McKee 1978
John H. Buchanan 1980
Alan AR. Franke 1985
Kent Burns 1985
Friedrich W. Glaser 1985-87
Sanford A. Campbell 1988
James Oliver 1988-89,03,08
Mike Katich 1989
Glen Sherman 1995
Richard P. Jasper 1996, 01
Melvin H. Boll 1998, 03
Richard Surroz PM 1982, GM 1999
Harry P. Ciruli, Jr. 2000
Charles Downing 1995,06,07,13
Tony Dattilo 2003
Jay Bobick 2011
Bradley Stolt 2015-17
Ken Pearce 2020

Michael Cardoza (WM)
Josh Levin (SW)
Thomas Hearn (JW)

Josh Levin (SW)
Thomas Hearn (JW)
Randy Lutton (JD)
Mark Costello (SD) non-voting

Membership Outreach
Doug Ayers (Chair)
Steven O’Donnell (PM)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Benjamin Bridge (PM)
Michael Cardoza (WW)
Josh Levin (SW)
Thomas Hearn (JW)
Randy Lutton (JD)
Michael Marcus

Thayne Coulter (Sec)
Jim Taylor
Randy Lutton (JD)

Mel Boll (PM)
Bob Helms
Randy Lutton (JD)
Glen Sherman (PM)

Michael Cardoza (WM)
Josh Leven (SW)
Thomas Hearn (JW)
Mask Costello (SD)
Randy Lutton (JD)

Custodians of the Work
John Buchanan (PM)
Cisco Mier-y-Teran (PM)

Mike Lazalde
Bruce Dauenhauer (SS)

Community Outreach
Thomas Hearn (SD)
Bruce Swedal (PM)

Michael Cardoza (SW)
Richard Mitchell (PM)
Benjamin Bridge (PM)

Josh Levin (SW)


Bruce Swedal (PM)
Richard Mitchell (PM)
Michael Cardoza (WM)

Memorial Service
John Buchanan (PM)
Thayne Coulter (Sec)
Cisco Mier-y-Teran (PM)
Richard Mitchell (PM)

Grand Lodge Scholarship
Jay Bobick, Chairman (PM)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Mark Costello (SD)

Eastern Star Liaison

Job’s Daughter Liaison
Larry Page

Rainbow Girls Liaison

Child ID
Mel Boll (PM)
Jim Taylor
Francisco Mier-y-Teran (PM)
Michael Marcus
Michael Archer

Degree Sessions
EA - Thomas Hearn (JW)
FC - Josh Levin (SW)
MM - Michael Cardoza (WM)

Special Events and Gatherings
Assigned on a per event basis. Refreshment Committee is responsible to monitor.

Steve O'Donnell (PM)
Thomas Hearn (JW)

Thayne Coulter (Sec)
Benjamin Bridge (PM)
Bruce Dauenhauer (SS)

Josh Levin, Chair (SW)

Funds Establishment
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Michael Cardoza (WM)
Josh Levin (SW)
Mark Costello (SD)
Randy Lutton (JD)

Initiation Fees $175.00
Lodge Dues $30.00
Temple Board
Per-Capita $85.00
Total Annual Dues $163.00

Dues $163.00 x 26 = 4,328.00

Regular Members
Perpetual Members
Total Members