Trestle Board December 2023

Stated Communication the 1st & 3rd Wednesday
Lodge opens at 7:00 PM

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Officers for 2023
Michael Cardoza | Worshipful Master |
Josh Levin | Senior Warden |
Thomas Hearn | Junior Warden |
Loren Kohler | Treasurer |
Thayne Coulter | Secretary |
Mark Costello | Senior Deacon |
Randy Lutton | Junior Deacon |
Bruce Dauenhauer | Senior Steward |
Daniel Croll | Junior Steward |
Millad Bokhouri | Chaplain |
Cris Advincula | Marshal |
Kenneth L. Moyer | Musician |
Jeff Vineyard | Tiler |
Web Master Randy Lutton
Web Master Bruce Swedal
Dear Brothers of Weston Lodge,
As I stand before you for the final time as your Worshipful Master, I am filled with a profound sense of honor and gratitude. Serving you all this past year has been a monumental experience—one that will remain etched in my heart for a lifetime.
Becoming a Mason, my initial goal was not to ascend to the role of Worshipful Master. However, when the opportunity arose as a young Mason to contribute to our Lodge's growth and development, I eagerly embraced the chance. These years in line have taught me a valuable lesson: one doesn't need a title to make a meaningful impact. As I step down, I urge each of you to engage in some self-reflection. Consider how you can contribute to the continued prosperity of Weston. Whether it's lending a hand in event preparations, extending a warm welcome to new prospects, joining a committee, or conducting in-home investigations— every effort, big or small, enriches both you and our beloved fraternity. In the timeless words, "You get out of it what you put into it."
This year, with the collective effort of our dedicated brothers, Weston Lodge achieved remarkable feats. From fulfilling the final wishes of a Past Master to attend one last lodge meeting, performing degree work in the dark period to raise a Master Mason before his grandfather's last breath, to laying a cornerstone that will endure for years to come—these accomplishments are a testament to our shared commitment. Every brother should take pride in the fact that we conducted degree work in every month of the year, a feat I would confidently wager no other lodge in the state achieved. Another Honor Lodge Year is a testament to our collective dedication.
As I transition from the role of Worshipful Master, I want to assure you that I will not fade away. I am here for each of you, ready to offer my assistance and continue to guide the Lodge from the sidelines. And, of course, to crack a few jokes and enjoy the new master's friendly shushing!
Michael Cardoza
Worshipful Master
Weston Lodge #22, 2023
CALENDAR – December, 2023
Tuesdays Posting - 6:00 PM
Wed 11/29 | Special Communication - EA Degree – 7:00 PM |
Sat 12/4 | Past Masters Breakfast (All welcome) - 9:00 AM |
Wed 12/6 | Annual Communication - 7:00 PM |
Fri 12/8 | Poker Game (Bring a friend) - 6:30 PM |
Sat 12/9 | Open Line Installation - 1:00 PM |
Wed 12/13 | Officers Meeting - 6:30 PM |
Wed 12/20 | Dinner - 6:00 PM; Stated Communication - EA Degree - 7:00 PM |
Wed 12/27 | WMTA Meeting - 07:00 PM |
Richard G. Duncan | 1988 |
Charles W. Cardarell | 1990 |
Phillip G. Trimble | 1991 |
John R. Garrett | 1993 |
Ronald S. Jaul | 1996 |
E. Rick Watrous | 1997 |
Thomas A. Johnson | 1999 |
Edwin R. Hamm | 2000 |
Jeffery H. Frankhauser | 2003 |
Thaine Lennox- Gentle | 2005 |
John Lennox-Gentle | 2006 |
Clinton W. Anthis | 2008 |
James R. Shoemaker | 2009 |
Walter L. Ashlock | 2010 |
Scott A. Bates | 2012 |
Swen Hoffman | 2014 |
Paul E. Lundquist | 2015 |
Danny Will | 2016 |
Terry Davis | 2017 |
Steven R. O’Donnell | 2018 |
Francisco Mier-y-Teran | 2019 |
Bruce Swedal | 2020 |
Bemjamin Bridge | 2021 |
Richard Mitchell | 2022 |
Richard L. McKee | 1978 |
John H. Buchanan | 1980 |
Alan AR. Franke | 1985 |
Kent Burns | 1985 |
Friedrich W. Glaser | 1985-87 |
Sanford A. Campbell | 1988 |
James Oliver | 1988-89,03,08 |
Mike Katich | 1989 |
Glen Sherman | 1995 |
Richard P. Jasper | 1996, 01 |
Melvin H. Boll | 1998, 03 |
Richard Surroz | PM 1982, GM 1999 |
Harry P. Ciruli, Jr. | 2000 |
Charles Downing | 1995,06,07,13 |
Tony Dattilo | 2003 |
Jay Bobick | 2011 |
Bradley Stolt | 2015-17 |
Ken Pearce | 2020 |
Michael Cardoza (WM)
Josh Levin (SW)
Thomas Hearn (JW)
Josh Levin (SW)
Thomas Hearn (JW)
Randy Lutton (JD)
Mark Costello (SD) non-voting
Membership Outreach
Doug Ayers (Chair)
Steven O’Donnell (PM)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Benjamin Bridge (PM)
Michael Cardoza (WW)
Josh Levin (SW)
Thomas Hearn (JW)
Randy Lutton (JD)
Michael Marcus
Thayne Coulter (Sec)
Jim Taylor
Randy Lutton (JD)
Mel Boll (PM)
Bob Helms
Randy Lutton (JD)
Glen Sherman (PM)
Michael Cardoza (WM)
Josh Leven (SW)
Thomas Hearn (JW)
Mask Costello (SD)
Randy Lutton (JD)
Custodians of the Work
John Buchanan (PM)
Cisco Mier-y-Teran (PM)
Mike Lazalde
Bruce Dauenhauer (SS)
Community Outreach
Thomas Hearn (SD)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Michael Cardoza (SW)
Richard Mitchell (PM)
Benjamin Bridge (PM)
Josh Levin (SW)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Richard Mitchell (PM)
Michael Cardoza (WM)
Memorial Service
John Buchanan (PM)
Thayne Coulter (Sec)
Cisco Mier-y-Teran (PM)
Richard Mitchell (PM)
Grand Lodge Scholarship
Jay Bobick, Chairman (PM)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Mark Costello (SD)
Eastern Star Liaison
Job’s Daughter Liaison
Larry Page
Rainbow Girls Liaison
Child ID
Mel Boll (PM)
Jim Taylor
Francisco Mier-y-Teran (PM)
Michael Marcus
Michael Archer
Degree Sessions
EA - Thomas Hearn (JW)
FC - Josh Levin (SW)
MM - Michael Cardoza (WM)
Special Events and Gatherings
Assigned on a per event basis. Refreshment Committee is responsible to monitor.
Steve O'Donnell (PM)
Thomas Hearn (JW)
Thayne Coulter (Sec)
Benjamin Bridge (PM)
Bruce Dauenhauer (SS)
Josh Levin, Chair (SW)
Funds Establishment
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Michael Cardoza (WM)
Josh Levin (SW)
Mark Costello (SD)
Randy Lutton (JD)
Initiation Fees | $175.00 |
Lodge Dues | $30.00 |
Temple Board |
$48.00 |
Per-Capita | $85.00 |
Total Annual Dues | $163.00 |
Dues $163.00 x 26 = 4,328.00
Regular Members |
150 |
Perpetual Members |
22 |
Total Members |
172 |