Trestle Board February 2018

trestle board

Friday February 2, 2018

Poker Night

Monday February 5, 2018

Past Masters Breakfast 8 am - IHOP 7733 W Long Dr., Littleton

Wednesday February 7, 2018

Stated Meeting 7 pm

Saturday February 10, 2018

Pancake Breakfast 8 am - 10 am

Wednesday February 14, 2018

Finance Committee Meeting 6 pm

Officers Meeting 6 pm

Wednesday February 21, 2018

Stated Meeting 7 pm

Wednesday February 28, 2018

Temple Board Meeting 6 pm



Worshipful Master - Stephen O'Donnell

Senior Warden - Francisco mier-y Teran

Junior Warden - Bruce W. Swedal

Treasurer - Loren Kohler

Secretary - Clark Skinner

Senior Deacon - Benjamin Bridge

Junior Deacon - Richard Mitchell

Senior Steward - Thomas Hearn

Junior Steward - Mark Costello

Chaplain - Michael Cardoza

Marshall - Ryan Hite

Musician - Kenneth Moyer

Tyler - Hans Eyman

Assistant Secretary - Thayne Coulter


Masters Message

“My brothers why is the delivery of ritual by memory so important to Freemasonry? Memory work is a key component of everything we do, starting with the ritual we learn as Entered Apprentices. From that point onward, committing ritual to memory is an integral part of or private and public masonic journeys.

Whatever a group cares to remember most, it entrusts to ritual. And our memorized ritual – our words, position of or hands and feet, our steps, and much more—is what sets us apart from every other fraternal and charitable society in existence.”

Quote by: James Musgrave, GLNS

We at Weston pride ourselves on our memorization of openings, closings and degree work. It makes me so proud to see the work that is done here. This is possible only do to the hard work of the directors of the work and dedication of our brothers.

With Brotherly Love

Steve ODonnell

Worshipful Master

trestle board