Trestle Board January 2022
Stated Communication the 1st & 3rd Wednesday
Lodge opens at 7:00 PM
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Officers for 2022
Richard Mitchell | Worshipful Master |
Michael Cardoza | Senior Warden |
Mark Costello | Junior Warden |
Loren Kohler | Treasurer |
Thayne Coulter | Secretary |
Thomas Hearn | Senior Deacon |
Josh Levin | Junior Deacon |
Randy Lutton | Senior Steward |
Bruce Dauenhauer | Junior Steward |
Daniel Croll | Chaplain |
Millad Bokhouri | Marshal |
Kenneth L. Moyer | Musician |
Michael Spradlin | Tiler |
Web Master Randy Lutton
Web Master Bruce Swedal
Greetings Brethren,
I find myself writing my first master’s message to you on Christmas Day, a day of hope and promise. The start of another new year, hopefully a year filled with promises honored and kept. As in years past, we will again be very active this year. We have visitations, table lodges, special communications, breakfasts, poker nights and special events such as the Franktown Firearms, Western Welcome Week and our 150th anniversary celebration. We will continue all our normal degree work. I will do my very best to live up to everything that is expected of me.
I am fortunate to have officers who have proven their ability to manage anything that comes their way. I am truly grateful for every one of you. It’s been inspiring to see so many of our Past Masters attend functions, share their knowledge and love of the craft. I hope we continue to see many more Past Masters at meetings and special events.
As far as our meetings go, I believe in getting things done. We also need time for brotherhood, after all, two of the most important things are friendship and brotherly love.
So, my brothers if you haven’t been to a meeting lately, please join us. We need your contributions, your inspiration and feedback to help grow our craft. Your contribution may be the one thing that helps another brother feel better, inspires them, improves their day, your contributions matter, you matter, and we need YOU! I encourage all my brothers to come to lodge. Give of yourself and you will receive in return. It is going to be a wonderful year.
WM Richard Mitchell
CALENDAR – January, 2022
Sat 1/3 | Past Masters Breakfast - 8:30 AM |
Wed 1/5 | Stated Communication - 7:00 PM |
Fri 1/7 | Poker Club - 6:30 PM |
Sat 1/8 | Saturday Breakfast - 8:00-10:00 AM |
Fri 1/12 | Officers Meeting - 7:00 PM |
Wed 1/19 | Stated Communication - 7:00 PM |
1/20 - 1/22 | Grand Lodge - Top 3 Officers |
Sat 1/22 | Rough Ashlar - 11:30 AM Grand Station |
Sat 1/22 | WMTA - 7:00 PM Grand Station |
Sat 1/29 | Sangster Birthday Celebration - 1:00 PM |
Tuesdays | Posting - 6:00 PM |
Robert G. Hollenbeck | 1985 |
Richard G. Duncan | 1988 |
Charles W. Cardarell | 1990 |
Phillip G. Trimble | 1991 |
John R. Garrett | 1993 |
Ronald S. Jaul | 1996 |
E. Rick Watrous | 1997 |
Thomas A. Johnson | 1999 |
Edwin R. Hamm | 2000 |
Jeffery H. Frankhauser | 2003 |
Thaine Lennox- Gentle | 2005 |
John Lennox-Gentle | 2006 |
Clinton W. Anthis | 2008 |
James R. Shoemaker | 2009 |
Walter L. Ashlock | 2010 |
Scott A. Bates | 2012 |
Robert J. Sangster | 2013 |
Swen Hoffman | 2014 |
Paul E. Lundquist | 2015 |
Danny Will | 2016 |
Terry Davis | 2017 |
Steven R. O’Donnell | 2018 |
Francisco Mier-y-Teran | 2019 |
Bruce Swedal | 2020 |
Bemjamin Bridge | 2021 |
Richard L. McKee | 1978 |
John H. Buchanan | 1980 |
Alan AR. Franke | 1985 |
Kent Burns | 1985 |
Friedrich W. Glaser | 1985-87 |
Sanford A. Campbell | 1988 |
James Oliver | 1988-89,03,08 |
Mike Katich | 1989 |
Glen Sherman | 1995 |
Richard P. Jasper | 1996, 01 |
Melvin H. Boll | 1998, 03 |
Richard Surroz | PM 1982, GM 1999 |
Harry P. Ciruli, Jr. | 2000 |
Charles Downing | 1995,06,07,13 |
Tony Dattilo | 2003 |
Jay Bobick | 2011 |
Bradley Stolt | 2015-17 |
Ken Pearce | 2020 |
Richard Mitchell (WM)
Michael Cardoza (SW)
Mark Costello (JW)
Mark Costello (JW)
Josh Levin (JD)
Randy Lutton (SS)
Mark Costello (SD) non-voting
Membership Outreach
Doug Ayers (Chair)
Steven O’Donnell (PM)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Benjamin Bridge (PM)
Richard Mitchell (WM)
Michael Cardoza (SW)
Thomas Hearn (SD)
Josh Levin (JD)
Randy Lutton (SS)
Michael Marcus
Thayne Coulter (Sec)
Jim Taylor
Randy Lutton (SS)
Mel Boll (PM)
Bob Helms
Randy Lutton (SS)
Bob Sangster (PM)
Glen Sherman (PM)
Daniel Croll (Chap)
Josh Calvert
Michael Cardoza (SW)
Josh Leven (JD)
Randy Lutton (JS)
Mask Costello (JW)
Thomas Hearn (SD)
Custodians of the Work
John Buchanan (PM)
Cisco Mier-y-Teran (PM)
Mike Lazalde
Bruce Dauenhauer (JS)
Community Outreach
Thomas Hearn (SD)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Richard Mitchell (WM)
Michael Cardoza (WM)
Mark Costello (SW)
Josh Levin (JD)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Richard Mitchell (WM)
Michael Cardoza (SW)
Memorial Service
John Buchanan (PM)
Thayne Coulter (Sec)
Cisco Mier-y-Teran (PM)
Richard Mitchell (WM)
Grand Lodge Scholarship
Jay Bobick, Chairman (PM)
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Mark Costello (JW)
Eastern Star Liaison
Job’s Daughter Liaison
Larry Page
Rainbow Girls Liaison
Child ID
Mel Boll (PM)
Jim Taylor
Francisco Mier-y-Teran (PM)
Michael Marcus
Michael Archer
Degree Sessions
EA - Mark Costello (JW)
FC - Michael Cardoza (SW)
MM - Richard Mitchell (WM)
Special Events and Gatherings
Assigned on a per event basis. Refreshment Committee is responsible to monitor.
Steve O'Donnell (PM)
Thomas Hearn (SD)
Thayne Coulter (Sec)
Benjamin Bridge (PM)
Bruce Dauenhauer (JS)
Josh Levin, Chair (JD)
Funds Establishment
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Richard Mitchell (WM)
Michael Cardoza (SW)
Mark Costello (JW)
Josh Levin (JD)
Randy Lutton (SS)
Initiation Fees | $175.00 |
Lodge Dues | $30.00 |
Temple Board |
$48.00 |
Per-Capita | $82.00 |
Total Annual Dues | $160.00 |
Dues $160.00 x 26 = 4,160.00
Regular Members |
220 |
Perpetual Members |
22 |
Total Members |
242 |