Trestle Board March 2024


Stated Communication the 1st & 3rd Wednesday
Lodge opens at 7:00 PM


If you know anyone that is not receiving this Trestle Board and they want to receive it via email, have them let Jim Taylor know on the Newsletter Sign Up page

Officers for 2024

Josh Levin Worshipful Master
Thomas Hearn Senior Warden
Randy Lutton Junior Warden
Loren Kohler Treasurer
Scott Bates Secretary
Daniel Croll Senior Deacon
Bruce Dauenhauer Junior Deacon
Chris White Senior Steward
Joaquin Montoya Junior Steward
Adam Sills Chaplain
Jeff Vinyard Marshal
Austin Harris Tiler


Web Master Randy Lutton, Bruce Swedal


Israel “Izzy” Corbo is a first-generation Cuban-American born and raised in Southern Florida. I have been a registered nurse for over thirty years with the majority of my experience in pediatric emergency care. I have been married to Andrea for almost 27 years and we have two grown children (Jacob-21 y/o & Natalia-26 y/o). We have lived in Colorado for the past 13+ years and have never looked back at going back to Florida! I am not aware of any family members who were involved in Free Masonry, but I have had an interest in becoming a Mason since seeing the Shriners at a parade as a child. I am very lucky to have found such an active Lodge with Weston #22 and I hope to grow and become more involved for many years to come!


Dear Brothers of Weston Lodge;

I hope this message finds you well and full of Masonic zeal. We have much to celebrate and anticipate in the coming weeks.

First and foremost, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to Brother Miguel Garcia on his advancement to the Fellowcraft degree. Your dedication and commitment to the craft are truly commendable. I also want to express my gratitude to all the line officers for their unwavering support and participation. A special thank you goes to WB Cisco and WB Scott for delivering fantastic lectures.

As we look ahead, mark your calendars for our upcoming Joint Table Lodge with Nevada 4 on March 16th at 6pm. This promises to be a fantastic evening of fun and fellowship to include an Irish theme, dinner, and drinks. All Masons are welcome to join us for this special event, donations accepted but not required. Please remember to RSVP and sign up to help with setup, cleanup, or to deliver a short presentation.

Lastly, I invite you to join with us as we continue our Masonic Discussion series. The past two months have brought some wonderful conversations and points of view to light. This month, let us ponder and debate the merits of experiencing the degrees in Freemasonry in a group setting versus as individuals. Your thoughts and insights are invaluable as we explore this topic together!

May we all continue to strive for Higher Thoughts, Nobler Deeds, and Greater Achievements

Fraternally yours,
Josh Levin Worshipful Master

CALENDAR – February, 2024

Tuesdays Posting - 6:00 PM

Fri 3/8 Poker Game (Bring a friend) - 6:30 PM
Mon 3/4 Past Masters Breakfast (All welcome) - 9:00 AM
Wed 3/6 Stated Communication & Masonic Discussion – 7:00 PM
Wed 3/13 Officers Meeting - 6:30 PM
Wed 3/16 Joint Table Lodge with Nevada #4 - 6:00 PM
Wed 3/16 Dinner - 6:00 PM; Stated Communication - 7:00 PM
Wed 3/27 WMTA Meeting - 07:00 PM

You can pay dues, make donations, pay for Table Lodges, etc. online! Just click on Dues or Donations on the top right menu.

Richard G. Duncan 1988
Charles W. Cardarell 1990
Phillip G. Trimble 1991
John R. Garrett 1993
Ronald S. Juul 1996
E. Rick Watrous 1997
Thomas A. Johnson 1999
Edwin R. Hamm 2000
Jeffery H. Frankhauser 2003
Thaine Lennox- Gentle 2005
John Lennox-Gentle 2006
Clinton W. Anthis 2008
James R. Shoemaker 2009
Walter L. Ashlock 2010
Scott A. Bates 2012
Swen Hoffman 2014
Paul E. Lundquist 2015
Danny Will 2016
Terry Davis 2017
Steven R. O’Donnell 2018
Francisco Mier-y-Teran 2019
Bruce Swedal 2020
Bemjamin Bridge 2021
Richard Mitchell 2022
Michael Cardoza 2023
Richard L. McKee 1978
John H. Buchanan 1980
Sanford A. Campbell 1988
James Oliver 1988-89,03,08
Mike Katich 1989
Glen Sherman 1995
Richard P. Jasper 1996, 01
Melvin H. Boll 1998, 03
Charles Downing 1995,06,07,13
Jay Bobick 2011
Bradley Stolt 2015-17
Ken Pearce 2020

WM: Josh Levin
SW: Tom Hearn
JW: Randy Lutton
Treasurer: Loren Kohler
Secretary: Scott Bates
SD: Daniel Croll
JD: Bruce Dauenhauer
SS: Chris White
JS: Joaquin Montoya
Chaplain: Adam Sills
Marshal: Jeff Vineyard
Tiler: Austin Harris

Randy Lutton (JW) - Chair
Michael Cardoza (PM)
Chris White (SS)
Daniel Croll (SD) - Sec - non-voting

Thomas Hearn (SW) - Chair
Randy Lutton (JW)
Francisco Mier-y-Teran (PM)
Jay Bobick (PM)

Josh Levin (WM), Chair
Tom Hearn (SW)
Randy Lutton (JW)

Membership Outreach
Michael Cardoza (PM), Chair

Randy Lutton (JW), Chair
Bob Helms
Glen Sherman (PM)
Adam Sills (Chap)

Memorial Service
John Buchanan (PM), Chair
Scott Bates (PM)
Francisco Mier-y-Teran (PM)
Richard Mitchell (PM)


Jim Taylor, Chair
Scott Bates (PM)
Randy Lutton (JW)

Juris Prudence
Scott Bates (PM)
Randy Lutton (JW)
Jay Bobick (PM)
Daniel Croll (SD)

Director of the Work
Scott Bates (PM)

Directors of the Funds
Bruce Swedal (PM)
Micheal Cardoza (PM)
Jim Taylor

Degree Sessions
EA - Randy Lutton (JW)
FC - Tom Hearn (SW)
MM -Josh Levin (WM)

Initiation Fees $175.00
Lodge Dues $55.00
Temple Board
Per-Capita $102.00
Total Annual Dues $206.00

Dues $206 x 26 = $5,356

Regular Members
Perpetual Members
Total Members