Trestle Board October 2017

trestle board


Monday, October 2nd
Past Masters Breakfast (8:00 AM)
Egg & I - 6890 S. University

Wednesday, October 4th
Stated Meeting (7:00 PM)
Receive Grand Master
Guests are welcome, short meeting then Grand Lodge program.
Dinner RSVP to Jim Taylor: (6:00 PM)

Friday, October 6th
Poker Night

Wednesday, October 11th
Officers Meeting & Practice (6:00 PM)
Practice EA Degree

Saturday, October 14th
(8:00 AM - 10:00 AM)
All you can eat. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, juice $5.00

Saturday-Sunday, October 14-15th
Masonic Symposium

Wednesday, October 18th
Stated Meeting (7:00 PM)
Entered Apprentice Degree

Saturday, October 28th
Table Lodge


Worshipful Master - Terry Davis

Senior Warden - Stephen O'Donnell

Junior Warden - Francisco mier-y Teran

Treasurer - Loren Kohler

Secretary - Clark Skinner

Senior Deacon - Bruce W. Swedal

Junior Deacon - Benjamin Bridge

Senior Steward - Richard Mitchell

Junior Steward - Michael Archer

Chaplain - Thomas Hearn

Marshall - Mark Costello

Tyler - Michael Cardoza

Worshipful Master

Masters Message

My Brethren,

After a well-deserved break in July and August, the officers of Weston 22 are excited to get back to work.

There’s a lot to be done, we are looking forward to getting started and seeing all the brothers at the stated meetings.


Terry Davis, WM

trestle board